Beta 2.0 Progress

Since we got our Haas up and running last month we have been working hard at machining the frames for our Beta 2.0 machines.  We are close to finished with one of the machines, and the next one will go much faster since the programs are proofed out now.  It is such a blessing to have a machine available to us to make our own parts and learn along the way.  We can't wait for our machines to get out there so others can have that experience too!

Here's some pictures of the Beta 2.0 parts next to our original Beta parts so you can see some of the improvements we have made:

The base of our machine(left) was previously a box composed of 4 half inch walls. To add rigidity to the machine and simplify assembly, we have moved to machining a solid billet of aluminum(right).

Our previous X/Z stage(right) was composed of 2 parts, lacked rigidity, and was difficult to align. Our new one (left) is a single, rigid part and greatly simplifies alignment.

Our previous A/B backing plates(required) required the wires to be routed through the center where they could get kinked and made it impossible to disassemble if repair was needed. The new plates(left) have the wires routed through the side and includes a second motor for additional torque.

Our previous spindle mount(left) lacked rigidity. Our new spindle mount (right) has added rigidity and simplified assembly.

Our old linear bearings (upper right) for the Y rails were very difficult to assemble because of the fastener size so our new ones(upper left) are easier to assemble, have better seals, and are made in the US. Our new rotary bearings(lower left) are bigger and easier to assemble.

We are also making progress in developing our cape for the BeagleBone Black.  The initial design is finished, and we are now working on finding a board house that will be able to get us a few prototypes quickly and at a price that we can afford.  Hopefully the first boards will come back around the same time as we get the frames back from anodize and we can get this second round of testing going!

We wanted to let you all know that we will not be attending the World Maker Faire in New York this year.  Those of you who present or attend Maker Faires know that not only are they expensive to do, but you also end up spending a few weeks getting ready, attending, and recovering from them.  We have so much to do to get through this last push of development that we are deciding to spend the time and money to get us closer to our Kickstarter campaign instead.  Thanks for understanding, and we hope you have an awesome time at the Faire! We will miss it!

Ciera Krinke

At Digital Box Designs we specialize in all things Squarespace web design, and optimize your site through thoughtful and strategic copywriting and search engine optimization.

Green Beta 2.0 and Purple BBB Capes


Welcome Home Haas!