Post Processor

Cam Software, G-code and Post Processors

Penta machines operate on the standard G and M code (often just called g-code) that most other CNC machines operate on. This g-code can be generated by almost any CAM (computer aided manufacturing) software, allowing users the ability to choose what software they want to use to program and produce parts.

While g-code is pretty standard, each CNC machine needs its g-code programs written a little differently so that the code works well with the specific mechanics of the machine being used. In order to create the proper g-code for the CNC machine, a file called a “Post Processor” is needed to convert the CAM software’s code into g-code. CAM software code is also different from one software to the next so it is important that the post processor file is made specifically for both the CAM software and the CNC machine being used.  

Listed below are the CAM softwares known by Penta Machine Co. to have a post processor for the Pocket NC V2 machines. If the post processor is available for download, it will be linked below the CAM software. 

For CAM softwares without a Pocket NC V2 post processor, the resources below can be used to create a post processor.