Frequently Asked Questions
Penta Machine Company is expanding the possibilities by simplifying the process.
We work hard to make our machines, accessories, and software easier to understand and use. Our team is solutions-focused, just like our customers — and we’ve put together this list of frequently asked questions to help you get started.
Pocket NC Frequently Asked Questions
Glad you asked! Please see this article for a description of the machines or take the machine selection quiz to decide which model is right for you.
For proper use of the NSK high-speed spindle, it is required that an air compressor is used. Penta will not warranty the spindle if air is not used.
While you are welcome to source your own air compressor it is required with the high-speed spindle to prevent the spindle from damage. If you have shop air that will be sufficient for the NSK spindle. The spindle can overheat and without positive pressure outwards a chip can get back into the spindle and catch in a bearing, ruining the spindle.
Penta recommends this Gast air compressor. This air compressor is both quiet and durable. While you can choose another air compressor or may have your own supply of air we recommend having about 1 gallon/minute at 25 psi.
Penta will supply the following when you order the V2-50: regulator, air cleaning kit which includes a filter, and fittings. The filter has an automatic drain to drain the moisture that is filtered. We provide a line that can be routed from the drain to a vessel to collect the water.
Customers will also need to procure the correct fitting into the regulator for the tubing that comes from the air source. The regulator takes a 1/4 inch male BSPT. Some options from McMaster Carr are: 1075T72 brass barbed hose fitting, 1283T31 quick-disconnect hose coupling, and 51235K108 push-to-connect tube fitting.
V2 Series or a standard V2 means that the article is relevant to all Pocket NC models; for instance, the work holding volume is the same for all models. The enclosure will also house all models.
If anything is referenced specifically then it is just for that specific model; for instance, only the V2-50 requires an air compressor to be hooked up and only the V2-10 and V2-8Lite use the edge finding tool holder. If you need clarification on a reference, please contact us.
The warranty for the spindle only on the V2-50 is 3 months from the time of delivery. The warranty for the rest of the machine is 1 year from the time of delivery to user. The warranty policy can be found here.
It is common for machine tool manufacturers to warranty the spindle for less time than the rest of the machine as they are the part most prone to improper use. If you use your machine during the first three months and there is a factory defect then it should become apparent during that time. If you use the spindle properly then it should last without issue. With proper use, the NSK spindle is rated up to 3,000 hours at 50,000 RPM.
Pre-Ordering Frequently Asked Questions
Penta Machine Company designs, manufactures, assembles, and tests our desktop 5-axis CNC machines in Belgrade, Montana. We source as many components as possible from Montana or the US. We ship all machines from our shop in Belgrade, Montana.
Specifications for each machine can be found at the links below for each machine:
The Pocket NC and Solo have a universal power supply: 90-264 VAC, 127-370 VDC, 47-63Hz. It takes single-phase power. It draws a bit over 3 amps at maximum draw. We will ship you the proper cord for your country.
About half of Penta machines ship outside of the USA, so chances are we have a machine in your country. We have not had any issues with power requirements around the world.
Yes, we offer tooling from Harvey Tool and DATRON, but you can use alternatives from other vendors. Tooling with a 1/4 inch shank or smaller can be accommodated in the V2-10 ER11 collets. For the V2-10 we offer the following sizes of ER11 collets: 1/8", 3/16", 5/16", 1/4", 3mm, 4mm, 5mm, and 6mm.
Tooling with a 4mm or smaller shank can be accommodated in the V2-50 CHB Collet. For the V2-50 we offer 1/8 inch, 3mm, and 4mm CHB collet sizes.
No, machining with the Penta machines requires knowledge of CAD/CAM software. The CAD software allows you to program the 3D solid model of what you want to build, and the CAM portion of the software tells the machine how to cut the part. This is quite a bit different from uploading a file to a 3D printer and having the machine print it.
The user of the Penta machine needs to tell the machine where to run the tools and also how fast to cut, there is some strategy to this. If you have 3D printing experience only and no CAD/CAM experience we recommend downloading the Autodesk Fusion 360 1-month trial and going through some of the CAD and CAM tutorials (there are several of them ranging in experience from beginner to advanced). Pocket NC offers a First Part Tutorial here, which you can work through and then build on. There are also a plethora of tutorials available over YouTube if you prefer. These will give you an idea of if 5-axis CNC machining is something you would like to work to be proficient in.
Another thing to note is that some parts that are easily 3D printed cannot be machined well. For instance, the V2 may not make curved surfaces as well as a 3D printer. However, the CNC typically has better resolution and surface finish. It is important to understand these differences before switching from a 3D printer to a CNC machine or when selecting to make your part on one machine versus another.
If you have CAD/CAM software experience then you are well up the curve!
If you have worked with 3-axis, but not 5-axis machining, there is a learning curve, but you can get started using the machines right away with your 3-axis experience and then move into 5-axis. Most users can pick up 5-axis fairly quickly after having experience with 3-axis CNC machining.
If you have CAD experience, but no CAM experience then you may want to download the Autodesk Fusion 360 1-month trial before deciding to purchase a Pocket NC machine and try programming a part. Together with the simulator you can run the machine virtually and see if a Penta machine is for you.
If you have no CAD/CAM experience you do have quite a learning curve ahead, but it is possible and we have had users get up it! You will want to download Autodesk Fusion 360 for the 1-month trial before deciding to purchase the Pocket NC V2 to see if this is something that you think could work for you. Once you sign up for the trial there is access to many tutorials both video and written to get you going, be sure to check out some of the CAM tutorials as well. There are several 3-axis machine options available that are less expensive, so this may be a good way to start as well to decrease the learning curve at a lower cost.
A 3-minute video that details the workflow from CAD to CAM to CNC can be found here.
Penta provides a user interface controller for basic functionality. The interface is provided with every machine and more information on the interface can be found here.
You will need a CAD/CAM software to generate tool paths (the Pocket NC will run off of .ngc files only). We offer post-processors for various CAM software here and the files to generate post-processors are also provided.
Yes, we have sold many Penta machines for a variety of applications to the US government. Please find our capability statement here. We are registered in For further questions please contact us.
Capabilities of the Pocket NC Frequently Asked Questions
(Can I machine my part?)
VERSION 2 (V2-10 AND V2-50)
The travel of the Pocket NC is 4.55 in (-2.00 in to 2.55 in) (-50.8 mm to 64.77mm) in X, 5.0 in (-2.5 in to 2.5 in) (-63.5mm to 63.5mm) in Y, and 3.55 in (-3.45 in to 0.1 in) (-87.63mm to 2.54mm) in Z. The maximum travel in the A axis is (-25° to 135°) and the maximum travel in the B axis is (-9999° to 9999°). How your part fits in this envelope is highly dependent on your setup. Comfortably the work envelope is about 3 inches (75mm) cubed.
The travel of the Pocket NC is 4.3 inches (109 mm) in X, 5.0 inches (127 mm) in Y, and 3.5 inches (89 mm) in Z. The maximum travel in the A axis is (-5° to 95°) and the maximum travel in the B axis is (-9999° to 9999°). How your part fits in this envelope is highly dependent on your setup.
We recommend that parts are made with tolerances of +/-0.005 inches or +/-0.127mm. If the user is careful and does not home between operations +/-0.002 inches or +/-0.05mm can be achieved, but this is not guaranteed. Any tighter tolerance will not be a suitable part for the Pocket NC machines.
The Pocket NC Version 2 machines have been tested up to G5 titanium, while it can cut these harder materials it is slow. For reference this is a maximum HRC hardness of around 35 or Brinell hardness of 334. Ideal materials are aluminum, softer steels, brass, delrin, wax and wood. We do not recommend cutting composites, ceramics, or gemstones as the abrasive dust will get into the bearings and cause pre-mature wear.
The Pocket NC Version 1 can cut wax, plastic, wood, and aluminum. Basically any materials with hardnesses up to that of aluminum.
Penta sells two workholding options for the Pocket NC machines:
Pocket NC vise, which comes with every machine
ER40 fixture and collet which are sold separately
Another off-the-shelf workholding option is the Sherline 4 jaw chuck, parts and assembly can be found here.
Yes, a machine with a larger work envelope is in progress and should be available 2023 in the US and about 6 months later internationally — more details to come soon! The V2 series of machines will continue to be available, as the new machine will be quite different.
If you would like to receive updates on the new machine you can subscribe by entering your email here. If you are looking for more information feel free to contact us.
Item While many tool manufacturers have more extensive answers to this, which you can seek out, CLICK HERE to learn about the basics.
Yes, it is possible to thread mill on the Pocket NC machines. Be sure that the shank diameter of the thread mill matches the ER11/CHB/CHK collet diameter.
Questions to consider:
Can I fit a spinning tool into this space?
Can I start with a piece of material and carve material away with a tool connected to the Pocket NC spindle to end up with the part that I want?
How do I hold this part in the Pocket NC mill to machine it?
The Pocket NC can use a vice or a round collet to grip a part. A fixture may have to be made to hold on to your part depending on its geometry.
How do I machine this part in subsequent operations and make it accurately?
Typically, 5 of 6 sides of a part can be machined in the first holding with the 5-axis Pocket NC. In order to machine the last side accurately relative to the rest of the part a fixture must be used.
CLICK HERE for information on geometry that can’t be machined.
No, at this time we do not offer custom sample parts. Our application engineers are able to evaluate a drawing you send over to us and comment on the feasibility of machining a part. We do not offer custom sample part services because proving out a part can be very involved from programming to selecting tooling to fixturing and this is an important part of learning the workflow for the Pocket NC.
If you require a proof of concept part in order to make a purchasing decision there are some facilities and consultants that offer access to the Pocket NC or design services and you can hire them for samples. Please contact us to see if that’s available near you or to be put in touch. Note these would be paid options and these facilities and consultants are not affiliated with Pocket NC.
We also have a virtual machine at, so you can program your tool paths, load the g-code into the simulator and determine if the machine can accommodate your part.
Pocket NC Remote Service Subscription Frequently Asked Questions
The subscription covers 12 months of over-the-phone and email support for troubleshooting, program debugging, and diagnosis of mechanical or software issues. While we strive to assist with CAM-related inquiries, full support for specific software is best provided by the CAM software vendor. Physical repairs or parts replacement are not included and will incur additional fees.
A service subscription is required for Pocket NC machines that are older than 2 years or have changed ownership at any point in time. Machines without an active subscription may not receive remote technical support or troubleshooting assistance - however our user resources are always available.
Service subscriptions are non-refundable once purchased. However, if we are unable to provide the services as outlined due to technical limitations on our end, we may, at our discretion, offer a partial refund. Please refer to our cancellation policy for more details.
Once your subscription expires, your machine will no longer be eligible for technical support until the subscription is renewed. We recommend renewing your service subscription before it expires or choosing to auto-renew to avoid interruptions in support.
While we strive to resolve as many issues as possible through remote support, complete repair via remote troubleshooting is not guaranteed. Some mechanical or hardware-related problems may require your machine to be sent to our facility for a more thorough inspection and repair. In this case the user will be responsible for the cost of shipping, parts and labor.
Shipping and Purchasing Frequently Asked Questions
We currently ship to the following countries: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Brazil, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States.
If the country you reside in is not listed above please contact us to inquire about shipping to your country. It may be that your machine is subject to the export restrictions described below.
For shipments outside the United States, we ship under terms of deliver at place (DAP) meaning that you will be responsible for import customs, duties, taxes, and fees. If you are exempt from any of these it is your responsibility to provide us with the proper documentation stating exemption. If you fail to accept the import fees associated with the shipment and the shipment is returned to us you are responsible for all shipping costs incurred for the return shipment.
The Penta machines require an export license to be shipped to certain countries, it is very important that we know the end destination and in some circumstances will ask for certain end use documentation. Please contact us if you are moving the machine to a different country as it may be subject to certain export
The easiest way to order your machine and pay is through our online store. Other methods include: ACH wire transfer, PayPal invoice, credit card over the phone, or check (if you are in the US). If you are from an established company or university we can take purchase orders.
We offer financing to US companies through Stearns Bank. Please reach out if you would like to purchase the machine by financing. Note this option is available to US companies only that have been in business for 2 years or more. Applications and inquiries can be made here.
Montana, where Penta is based, does not have sales tax. However, there are state sales tax laws in effect and beginning to take effect in several other states. At the moment Penta Machine Company is not required to, and does not, collect sales or use tax in any state; however, if we start to meet the economic thresholds required for use tax we will need to collect and remit.
Outside of the US, our pricing does not reflect any import customs, duties, taxes and fees. Those are paid by the user when the machine is in the process of being imported. Please see the question “Where do you ship to?” above for more information on international shipping.
It is common for banks/card issuers to block transactions over a certain dollar amount in order to minimize the chance of fraudulent charges. If your payment is declined, reach out to your bank or card issuer and let them know that you are attempting to process this transaction. Afterward, the transaction is likely to go through.
If you reach out to us we can give you the code that is triggering the decline but we will likely be unable to resolve the issue directly. We can however issue you a PayPal invoice or quote for another method of payment.
We get many requests for sponsorships/donations of machines to various MakerSpaces, Robotics clubs, Innovation Labs, and non-profits. These are all great causes, and we're happy that people are pursuing these projects and forms of outreach! At this time, as a small business, we cannot fulfill these requests and so as a company our policy is to not offer complimentary machines.
The Pocket NC V2 comes with a tool kit that includes enough parts to get you started, listed here (V2-10) and here (V2-50). If you want suggestions for a basic starter kit:
The Pocket NC Enclosure: If you want the chips to be contained within a space, the enclosure is a good purchase. If your area is already in a shop, it may not matter as much. For education, we do recommend getting an enclosure to keep new learners safe. We also offer an enclosure with a safety switch. The enclosure with the safety switch turns off the spindle when the door of the enclosure is opened. This is recommended in Europe to be CE compliant.
Tool Holder and Collet Multipack (V2-10 only): If you are doing tool changes throughout the program it’s convenient to preload some end mills into the tool holders and have them waiting in the rack. This comes with 3 extended tool holders, 1 standard tool holder, 4 ER11 collets, and the tool holder rack.
For the V2-50 we recommend the ER40 Fixture with Collet and the Datron Tooling Pack as a good starter kit.
For a more comprehensive starter kit:
The V2-10 Accessory Bundle (For V2-10 only) : Tool Holder and Collet Multipack, Tooling Pack (10 end mills), ER40 fixture with Collet, and Edge Finding Tool Holder (For V2-10 only).
Material: You may want to consider an assortment of material to get you started, especially some B-stock. The education material pack includes all of our softer Delrin and wax materials.
The V2 box is 19 x 14 x 14 inches (48 x 35 x 35cm) and weighs 40 pounds (18kg). With accessories, it can weigh up to 45 pounds (20.4kg).
If the V2 is ordered in a pelican case, the dimensions are 25 x 20 x 14 inches (63.5 x 51 x 36cm) and it weighs about 55 pounds (25kg). Note, if you check the V2 in the pelican case on a plane it exceeds most airlines' weight limits of 50 pounds.
The enclosure box is 26 x 21 x 16 inches (66 x 53 x 41cm) and weighs 43 pounds (19.5kg).
All shipments sold directly by Pocket NC come from Belgrade, Montana (MT), 59714 USA.
The V2 machine weighs about 30 pounds (13.6kg). The V2 measures 16 inches (41cm) in length by 8 inches (20cm) in depth. It is 11 inches (28cm) in height.
The enclosure weighs about 25 pounds (11.3kg). The enclosure is 22 inches (56 cm) in length by 11.375 inches (29cm) in depth. It is 17 inches (43cm) in height.
Maintenance and Long Term Use Frequently Asked Questions
All of the electronics, motors, and bearings on the Penta machines are fairly well covered, so debris on top of them should not affect functionality. Clean the machine using a vacuum cleaner with an extension and/or soft brush attachment to get into the crevices. We do not recommend using compressed air. Compressed air can force chips into some of the electronics causing shorts.
Wipe the machine with a soft, lint-free cloth to remove fine debris and dust. Isopropyl alcohol is recommended for removing oil or grease.
There are no parts that need oiling or greasing. Applying oil or grease to the lead screws or other components will cause debris to stick to them and may result in impaired function and increased wear.
When designing the V2 we did a 500-hour run test under 0% load and re-measured the machine after that time. Everything performed within specification. We also manufacture our own worm gears on a Pocket NC V2 and have run the machine several hundred hours and the gears are still made within specification.
We have some users who use the Pocket NC V2 machine extensively in production or small-batch production runs of parts, or extensively prototype parts. Over time these users have not noticed the machine to drift out of specification. When we get back a heavily used machine we have run the calibration sequence and found these machines to be within specification.
In some instances of a very bad crash the machine may fall out of specification depending on the conditions of the crash, but in general, even with a crash, the machine stays within specification.
All of the electronics, motors, and bearings on the Penta machines are fairly well covered so debris on top of them should not affect functionality. Clean the machine using a vacuum cleaner with an extension and/or soft brush attachment to get into the crevices. Do not use compressed air as this may wedge chips into electronics causing shorts if the chips are conductive. Wipe the machine with a soft, lint-free cloth to remove fine debris and dust. Isopropyl alcohol is recommended for removing oil or grease. There are no parts that need oiling or greasing. Applying oil or grease to the lead screws or other components will cause debris to stick to them and may result in impaired function and increased wear.
If you will be storing your Penta for an extended period of time or corrosion is likely for other reasons, a small amount of light oil may be applied to the lead screws and other steel components in order to prevent rust. Store the Penta in a dry location, protect the wires from excessive UV exposure and avoid operating the machine immediately after large temperature changes that could cause condensation buildup inside the machine. If possible store the Penta in a watertight container or a plastic bag and use desiccant to prevent moisture buildup.
Yes, we now offer a tune up package within the United States on the V2-10 and V2-50 machines only, please see details here. If you heavily use the Pocket NC machine and rely on its performance for income for your business you may want to consider getting your machines on a maintenance schedule to send back to the factory for replacement of some parts that may wear out after extensive use, which is included in this service.
If you need to send back the Pocket NC machine for a repair you may want to add on this service to preventatively address any maintenance. Please contact us to discuss this option.
Please note that this service package is mainly intended for customers using their machine(s) in a production capacity and the standard user will not run typically encounter these maintenance needs.

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