Oh ship! December 2015 Update

Great news!  Yesterday we shipped the 19 machines in our first batch ON TIME!  We are really excited to finally get machines out to our users.  A special thanks to those who were brave enough to be in our first group and trust us with your hard-earned money to get you a quality machine.  We can't wait to see all the awesome things that the users within our community will make.  All the machines in the first batch should be in your hands by this time next week.  If you're in that first batch and you didn't see the email with your tracking info in it, let us know and we can make sure you get it.

With the first batch under our belt, we are onward and upward to bigger and better things.  We are excited to continue assembling to get the second and third batches out on time as well using the knowledge we have gained so far to improve our processes.  We are hiring machinists and assemblers to get to work ramping up our production to begin meeting the demand. 

Part of meeting the demand means that we will finally be opening up preorders for machines to be shipped after our Kickstarter campaign orders are fulfilled.  We plan to open those up Friday, December 11 at 10am Mountain Time.  This run will have 140 machines available with delivery goals between May and August of 2016.  The machines will cost 4000USD.  The increase in price will help us greatly to be able to ramp up our production rates. 

Shipping for this preorder batch will still be only within the United States.  We are sorry that we aren't able to open it up internationally yet, but we are still working towards getting our safety certifications.  We know its been a very long wait for those of you outside of the States waiting on our machine and we really appreciate your patience!

Ciera Krinke

At Digital Box Designs we specialize in all things Squarespace web design, and optimize your site through thoughtful and strategic copywriting and search engine optimization.


New Training Series - Impeller Part 1


November 2015 Update