September 2015 Update

We are continuing to make good progress here at Pocket NC.  This past month we shipped out our hats and stickers.  If you pledged for one and didn't get it, be sure and check your email to make sure you didn't miss the survey for your address!

We'd also like to take time to thank all those who backed us at the $5 level.  All of you combined helped to give us a little extra wiggle room in our first run of production and we really appreciate all of your support!  So here goes, big thanks goes out to Keith Reffell, Eric Weinhoffer, Heri Sim, Ryan Lackey, Frank Wiebenga, GP Yee, 3Dsimo, Javier, Jotham McMillan, Mathieu Monney, Matt Stultz, Tim, Jason Webb, Michael Curry, Christian Klemke, Dustin Sell, cubergreen, James S Beckman, 3devo, Brian Ware, Thorkil, Jondale Stratton, R. D. Childers, Gavin Bath, L.M. Oliver, Scott Seivert, CHERCIU Mihail, Niall Barrett, Michael Ukabam, Edispin Inc, Grzegorz Jagla, Dag Henrik Bråtane, Laurens Laudowicz, Phoenix, Gerald Fuller, Daniel M Simser, David Perry, Affan, Wolfgang Klich, Nathan Stephens, Tyler Lindsay, Kristen Dyrr, R.M., Lauren Schmitt, JV (John) Pumphrey, Dean, Anthony Bergelt, Amanda Z, Filippo Toso, Celtic Hotel, London (Deb), D.LINK STUDIO LLC, Elias Dinter, Stephen Coates, Andreas Rozek, Ove Andersen, Carlos Poon, Lorenzo Frangi, Sean Hall, David Proffer, Jason Bird, ben shultz, Chris E, Darin, Adam Phelps, Mcontrem, Andy Holmstom, Victoria A., Simen Kjærås, EJ Strauss, Nathanael Nunes, Philip Barishich, Ryan, Jesse, and Wes, Aaron G. Sauers, CLP, NEEO Inc., Evgeny Hotulev, Peter Csontos, Ng Wai Sing, Hamish Patel, Natalie Freed, Ilya Smirnov, Andy Mills, Ernest Ho, CrystalKB, Carsten Spranger, Andrew Sand, Dmitri Don, Brandon Zurek, Justen Judd, Gion Manetsch, Center for a Stateless Society, Kean Maizels, Jonas Rabbe, Jordan, Katrina L. Halliwell, FastEddie, Shaun Redsar, Rob Scott, Vincent Poirier, onelife, Leonard@TM, waquier, Christoffer Wallén, Ryan Oberfield, SeltzerKick, Calvin Chu, IPD DESK Ltd, supervexi, and Alya.

We are continuing to work hard on machining and are over halfway through the machines.  We also have a steady flow of parts coming back from anodize and will soon have the custom machines back!

 We also have all the components we need to begin the assembly process for the first batch!  We are excited to finish assembling a few soon so that we can test them and make sure everything is good before cranking out the rest.

You may have noticed that the machine we advertised on our Kickstarter campaign required an ethernet connection to a computer to operate.  We have realized that this is one of the weak points of our machine because who really wants to deal with an ethernet connection in the 21st century?  So we have been working on a few prototypes to add more ports including a micro USB, HDMI, and USB.  What this means for our users is that they will have three options for operation.  Users can SSH into the machine from another computer using the ethernet connection, SSH using the micro USB connection, or use a stand alone mouse, keyboard, and HDMI compatible screen.  You can also use the USB port to load Gcode files to your machine with a USB stick.  We have tested 3 iterations of the prototype boards and things are going really well.  Thanks again to OSH Park for helping us work through these prototype boards quickly!

We also want to thank our programmer, Duane Bishop, who has been working very hard to iron out any bugs we have in our setup and make our user experience better.

 We are also working on rounding out our website so that by the time we begin shipping machines, there is ample information to get our users started.  You can find this information on our resource page.  This includes things like tutorials on how to use the machine, dimensions of the machine for those of you building custom enclosures, as well as diagrams describing the home position and travel of the machine.

Ciera Krinke

At Digital Box Designs we specialize in all things Squarespace web design, and optimize your site through thoughtful and strategic copywriting and search engine optimization.

October 2015 Update


August 2015 Update